1: 64-bit Smartphones!

It’s one thing to have to contend with a small amount of space, fitting hardware into ever-shrinking frames. As phones’ bodies became larger to accommodate 5-inch (and even 6-inch) screens, manufacturers were pressured to come up with ways of making these behemoths lighter and thinner. This pressure is further exacerbated by the ever-increasing need to include more processing power to compete in the market. It seems very likely that we’ll see a proliferation of 64-bit processing in the smartphones coming out in 2014. Companies that rigidly stick to the 32-bit processing model won’t fall behind this year as quickly as some might think. It will still take some time for app developers to create the applications that will make use of the extra bit width in the CPU. I see this as a major step forward for two reasons:

2: The Rise Of The Smart Watch

I’ve written an article earlier (this one) in which I was critical of smart watches. I may have been a bit harsh and have given the wrong impression. For this reason I’m thankful that a few days later a colleague of mine at MTE, Bertel King, Jr., wrote an eloquent piece describing what reasons you have for adapting to the trend now. In essence, I still believe that the technology is a bit young, but I also have reasons to believe that it will flourish this year. And speaking of wearable technology…

3: Intel’s “Quark” x86 Processor

Intel has been a bit quiet in the wake of the mobile era, which is something surprising for such a competitive firm. I was quite happy to see news about a new processor from Intel, designated the “Quark,” which will be available for wearable technology. It will compete directly with ARM’s Cortex-M line, and my money’s on it surprising us with the amount of features it will bring with it. I’m just wondering why Intel took so long to wake up and smell the roses on this market.

4: The Rise Of Personal And Commercial Drones

Do You Feel A Trend For 2014?

Now, it’s time for us to actually open up a dialogue. We’ve seen some of the most plausible trends of 2014, but I’d like to hear what you have to say about what will happen. Will we start seeing more curved displays? Or will holographic projection become a reality? Leave a comment below with your thoughts!