1. Attendance Register

Attendance Register was developed initially as a way for people to record their own attendance at work or classes. The app gave them a way to keep track of how many days they had missed certain events where they were allowed a certain amount of cuts. Now it is a simple app that can be used to keep track of employees.

To record attendance, tap on the name of an employee. A calendar will come up where you can mark them as present, absent, holiday, or add a note. Once you begin collecting data, you can create individual calendars for each person to see their attendance over time. This app is easy to use and suitable for small companies. It is free, but it has ads that you cannot remove. The user interface could use some work as well.

2. AttendZone

AttendZone is best for companies that have employees coming and going out of different offices or zones. It allows you to track employees and identify what zone they are in. It does involve GPS tracking, giving you the ability to note when employees check in and check out of different offices. If you just want the simple attendance app, AttendZone starts at $5 a month for up to ten employees. If you need more options and employees, the plans range up to $50 per month.

3. Jibble

Jibble is unique because of its check-in method. It records the attendance of employees using a selfie. It utilizes geo-tagging to specify the location where the employee took the selfie. The geo-tagging feature makes it simple to keep track of time out in the field without using a GPS tracker.

Using the selfie check-in mode also eliminates the possibility of people checking other people in for the day. Jibble plans begin at $1.50 per user per month, and when you add extra options you may want, like payroll, the cost goes up to $3 a month.

4. Virtual Attendance

Virtual Attendance is an app that both small businesses and those which have begun to grow can use. It allows you to use departments, managers, and even keep track of different shifts. This feature will keep the attendance better organized when you have multiple managers or departments.

To use, install the app and create employee profiles. This app even allows the creation of reports for employees. Attendance is tracked using QR codes, and the app does not follow the location of the employees. The app is free for one manager and five employees. For unlimited employees and departments, it’s just a $5.00 upgrade.

5. Wifi Attendance

The Wifi Attendance app takes attendance the moment an employee’s device connects with your Wi-Fi network. So as soon as your employees walk in the door, the app records the time. The same thing is true when they leave and disconnect from the network. This app also keeps track of where the employee is in your office so that you can track time spent at their desk or other important areas of the building.

Wifi Attendance is easy to use on both Android and iOS devices. Your employees may not be so crazy about the tracking features, however, due to privacy concerns. Depending on your needs, there are many different apps that can keep track of attendance for you. While most of these were designed for businesses, they can be adapted to other situations, such as meetings for nonprofits and other events where you need to keep track of attendees.